Key attributes one must have when entering the advertising field include, being good listeners, good communicators, communication skills are important in order to convey clients’ ideas properly. Working in the advertising field takes a team player, someone who works well with others, can convey their ideas and have others work with you to perfect them. A professional in this field needs to be deadline driven, works very well under pressure, and is organized and enthusiastic. The go getters in the advertising field are goal orientated, hard working, strives and prides themselves on a client’s satisfaction and will stop at nothing to achieve it.
There are many aspects to the advertising world; one of the largest is the ad agency. An ad agency is broken down into primary areas: Account Services, Creative, Media, and Research. We will be giving you a brief description of what the career entails, so you may decide on what intrigues you for your future decision.
Account Executives
First is the account executives or coordinators (there are many different names for this employee) these people must be very organized and excellent communicators it is their duty to convey the advertising objective to the other departments the goals of the advertisers and the product being sold. It is extremely important for the account coordinators to be team players so that their clients’ needs are met in an efficient manner. Essentially it is their duty to make sure the client is happy and their needs are met, and they stay on budget with their advertising. This position has supervisors that usually supervise two or more accounts and it also assistants to the account executives that do basic clerical duties.