There are amazing jobs in advertising which require right-brained people to calculate their moves on their own time. By placing such a threshold on their creativity, many right-brained job seekers are unsure of how to conquer the job market the right (or left) way. So, their ambitions to begin an advertising career can become reality as long as they recognize their challenges including lack of control, miscommunication, and developing a voice in their industry.
Lack of Control
Do you have any idea how much control a right-brained job seeker has? For most, it is out of control because they recognize potential advertising jobs available in every market. This idea of an unrestricted mindset seems like a great approach in job hunting, but it actually hinders their focus. Right-brained job seekers are also known to obsess over certain ideas - and it can benefit in their job seeking efforts.
By reducing their options, a right-brained job seeker can focus on specific industries through which they can use their creativity in advertising marketing jobs. Their intent to obsess on one kind of position means they can sharpen their portfolio, references, and resumes to help in acquiring a position. Today’s focused job hunter has an 85% chance of getting what they want and as a creative job seeker, are more than likely to find employment.
Creative headhunters are confident in this challenging characteristic of creative job seekers. Many are unable to communicate their needs to prospective employers. Over 89% of ‘creative thinkers’ think their work speaks for itself. In reality, no one is able to assume the creative angle an artist has unless it is explained. Creative job seekers should add a synopsis to explain the purpose of a project, their role, and the results from its completion. Also, mention the names of project leaders for references to make the communication simple. Prospective employers look for easy background checks today; use your creativity in a productive manner by making their work easier from day one.
Developing a Voice
A ‘voice’ is an authoritative characteristic to speak up against competition, mention accomplishments modestly, and owning up to your past. Some creative job seekers in advertising try to sugar coat their achievements because they do not measure up. In most cases, it comes from their inability to develop a voice in an advertising job. You have to learn how to analyze your thinking process, develop strong ideas, and voice opinions to enhance projects. Even in your job seeking efforts, consider the purpose of working for each company. Have a statement available for prospective employers to read or say it directly to the hiring manager. For example, ‘I deserve to work here because I’m willing to put my best on the line even if my peers think I’m crazy. And I’m not going to give up an opportunity because risks are great. Every discovery or breakthrough we have encountered came from a brave creative - and your company needs one.’
Overcoming the challenges of being a right-brained job seeker can only get better. Try to change the way you think about your skills, enhance your credentials, provide a superior portfolio, and believe in your capabilities. Prospective employers are searching for you right now. Why should they continue to wait for your arrival?