1) Freelance
You can apply as a freelance designer or copywriter at an ad agency. Many people who currently have successful ad agency careers started out as freelancers, and many agencies are interested in hiring freelancers to do a number of smaller, part time
s. By working for an ad agency as a freelancer, you are able to decide on what you want your salary to be, the hours you want to work, and can give you good experience in working with an ad agency. Often freelancers cost less for an ad agency than hiring another full time employee, but they are a great way for you to get to know people and start networking within the world of advertising.
2) Internship
Many ad agencies are looking for interns that are willing to work for free, and they treat interns as potential candidates for future employees. If an opportunity to work as an intern in an ad agency presents itself, you should jump at the chance. Despite the fact that the work is unpaid, it will still give you a lot of experience within the world of advertising and will give you an understanding of how these ad agencies work. If you prove yourself willing to learn and work hard, the agency will be sure to take notice and you may end up with an ad agency career thanks to your internship.
3) Entry Level
Many designers dream of being able to do as little work as possible for high paying clients, but that is not how life really works. Short of starting your own ad agency, the only way that you will get to the big name clients is by advancing through the ranks of designers and copywriters. Everyone that is successful started small, and you can get started bytaking a job on the entry level. It may require a lot from you and you will need to be willing to do anything and everything, but you can start building a successful ad agency career from the ground up.
4) SPEC Ads
If you think that you have what it takes to be in advertising, why not draw up some SPEC Ads. These ads are imitations or improvements of published advertisements, and can be a great way to showcase your talents as a copywriter or designer. For those who are just starting ad agency careers and have nothing to showcase their talents creating SPEC ads is a great way to get their talent seen.
You will need to have the skills required to work for an ad agency, and it will take a lot of hard work to be successful. It is possible, however, and using these tips you can get a head start on your ad agency career.